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Why Book With Us
Our safari specialists are considered to be amongst the leading authorities on travel to Tanzania, East Africa, and Southern African countries. They also all live and work in Tanzania, and between them have over 20 years of experience in the local travel industry. Great importance is attached to identifying specific expectations and requirements from the onset as this allows us to provide seamless and memorable safari experiences.
Great efforts are made to foster and maintain excellent relationships with all our local suppliers of accommodation and other services so that we can be sure that we have their full support when making arrangements that are out of the ordinary and ensuring all aspects of any given safari are properly tied together. Keeping on the cutting edge of what is new and exciting is a high priority at Simba Guides African Journey and, as a result, you are assured of a safari that makes use of original thought and inspiration to put together the best possible options available.
1. Safari Specialist
Our safari specialists are considered to be amongst the leading authorities on travel to Tanzania, East Africa, and Southern African countries. They also all live and work in Tanzania, and between them have over 20 years of experience in the local travel industry. Great importance is attached to identifying specific expectations and requirements from the onset as this allows us to provide seamless and memorable safari experiences. Great efforts are made to foster and maintain excellent relationships with all our local suppliers of accommodation and other services so that we can be sure that we have their full support when making arrangements that are out of the ordinary and ensuring all aspects of any given safari are properly tied together. Keeping on the cutting edge of what is new and exciting is a high priority at Simba Guides African Journey and, as a result, you are assured of a safari that makes use of original thought and inspiration to put together the best possible options available
2. Luxury / VIP Travel
We are fortunate to have been trusted with the safari arrangements for a number of famous well-known and influential visitors who have uniformly been impressed by the efficiency and discretion with which this has been achieved. Services involved include dealing with arrangements for private charters, or arranging exclusive use of luxurycamps in remote parts of the sites – as well as providing interesting, informative and entertaining guides as required traveling with high profile visitors while they are with us in East African regiona
3. Fly - in
Our tailored fly-in safaris allow guests to experience much of the best of this magnificent and varied country even when they only have limited time to spend here. The great expanse of Tanzania National Parks and the distances between many of the most iconic destinations mean that traveling overland can take more time than there is available, although the journeys involved are still fascinating for those who can make the most of them. Flying enables guests to see more places in a shorter period, and it also gives a very different and special viewpoint. The variations in the vast landscapes are emphasized from the air, and it is a privilege to see some of the areas you cannot easily reach in a vehicle – as is the case with many of the numerous shipwrecks spread along the Skeleton Coast. The regularly scheduled air transfers that are now available between many of Tanzania’s premier camps and lodges mean that flying has become an increasingly popular part of many safaris. When taking part in these fly-in safaris, clients are mainly hosted by the resident guides and managers at the individual venues and then transported between the various destinations by light aircraft. However, a fly-in safari can also be accompanied by one of our naturalist guides who travels in the aircraft with the group and stays with them in the lodges or camps they use, thus ensuring continuity and personal attention at all times. Fly-in fly-out safaris are often ideally combined with a private guided overland safari to enjoy the best aspects of both and to be able to make the best use of our naturalist guides when they are most valuable. Simba Guides African Journey offers a single monthly departure combination fly-in and private guided six-fourteen night safari which takes in several of Tanzania’s highlights in a relatively short period. This safari is often used in combination with regional safaris that go on into Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya, thus taking in much of the best that the East African circuit has to offer.
4. Photography / Film
Our experience and resources enable us to offer complete solutions for film crews wanting to work in Tanzania. We are well placed to assist whether this involves the provision of staff and suitable vehicles to move crews around; the inclusion of all the equipment needed to set up fully serviced film base camps that can operate for months in the most remote areas; the scouting for that ultimate location; or just the facilitation of the necessary permits etc. We have worked with a wide variety of crews from many countries, most of whom have dramatically differing requirements, ranging from a vehicle and guide to accompany small crews of three or four, to large-scale logistical operations with specially modified filming trucks. Our main area of expertise remains the provision of fully serviced and equipped mobile camps which allow production staff to focus entirely on their film work without having to worry about comfort, safety, meals, or drinks. We can also help provide, or locate, specialist film-making equipment and we always have heavy generic gear available, such as generators to run computers, charge batteries, provide light, etc, so that crews don’t need to bring these along with them. In addition, we can arrange for medical back-up on site, including the full-time presence of a doctor if required. One of the main roles we play is in dealing with all the administrative and logistical issues which can otherwise be so time-consuming when working several hundred kilometers from the nearest main supply base, thus freeing film production staff to concentrate on what they have come here for. The main season for filmmaking in Tanzania seems generally to be between November and early March when the country is warm and mainly green with limited dust, and comparatively few tourists about. This dovetails very neatly with our core business of running guided safaris which is busiest between June –September and mid-December– late February, so there are rarely any problems over our ability to make the necessary resources available to film crews as needed. Apart from anything else, our staff members remain keen to be involved in what is happening and learn more about filmmaking skills. As a result, we are always prepared to ‘make a plan’ to ensure that everything works as required – even at short notice, which generally seems to be the case.
5. Birding
Tanzania regularly hosts up to 1200 bird species including visiting migratory species, and this is due to its very wide variety of habitats. Of these species, around a hundred are endemic to southern Africa countries, Nineteen are near-endemic to Tanzania (which means that 80 – 90% of their population is only found in Tanzania. Simba Guides African Journey employs a number of birding naturalist guides and operates birding itineraries that are designed to focus on the primary areas where good numbers of birds are to be found, but with special emphasis on the endemic species. All of these safaris are individually crafted by our birding specialists and they have an extraordinarily high success rate in terms of positive identifications.
6. Cycling / Hiking Activity
More active safaris are becoming increasingly popular as travelers become more health conscious and are attracted to safaris that offer more in the way of exercise. These safaris also offer a unique way of experiencing some of the more spectacular areas in Tanzania with a very light footprint, getting close to the amazing geology, Great Rift Valley, and wildlife while on a mountain bike or on foot. They are also ideal for the inclusion of other activities such as Mkomazi National Park and Saadani National Park, where close encounters with various types of marine life are also common. Guides used for these safaris are experienced hikers and mountain bikers, and most of them have impressive resumes which include having completed numerous challenging feats which are internationally recognized.
7. Cultural Activity
The Hadza’s and Datoga homeland lies on the edge of the Serengeti plains, in the shadow of Ngorongoro Crater. It is also close to Olduvai Gorge, one of the most important prehistoric sites in the world, where Homohabilis – one of the earliest members of the genus Homo – was discovered to have lived 1.9 million years ago. The Hadza have probably lived in the YaedaChini area for millennia. Genetically – like the Bushmen of southern Africa – they are one of the ‘oldest’ lineages of humankind. They speak a click language that is unrelated to any other language on earth. Over the past 50 years, however, the tribe has lost 90% of its land. Get to know their history, origin, and when they arrived here. Mbugwe cultural village tour (2-5 hours) you will walk from our office through the Minjingu village to scenic places where a nice view of Lake Myara and the Rift Valley escarpment is astonishing. Walk through Mbugwe village/Bantu tribe village nestled between the savannahs and the rift valley floor. Spend your day in this village while experiencing the life of these Bantu people living border to border with two Nilotic tribes (Maasai&Datoga) Walk through the village and meet the people. Learn about their traditional economic activities, local cuisines, and local brews produced from honey and various herbs.
8. Honeymooners Package
Start your happily ever after off with a magical adventure through Tanzania. Iconic wildlife, epic landscapes, ancient wonders, and a variety of cultures have intrigued adventurers for centuries! From some of the best beach destinations to the world’s greatest wildlife reserves, Africa has a little of something for everyone. Have a phenomenal game-viewing experience in the pure wilderness of Tanzania one day and then hop on a short flight to the breathtaking Indian Ocean Zanzibar and Pangani the next, where you can recuperate in a sun lounger. The mix of adventure and relaxation that Africa offers cannot be beat. The hardest decision with a honeymoon to Tanzania is where to go. Some may prefer a rustic, authentic wilderness experience with bucket showers at our seasonal Camps, becoming one with the wild. Others may want to enjoy the luxuries of life with fine dining and out-of-this-world spa treatments. And then others just want an adrenaline-pumping adventure. Tanzania has it all and more. This vast and beautiful Country is the perfect place for newlyweds looking for the ultimate romantic getaway. You will be swept away by the sheer romance a Tanzania honeymoon offers.