Nyerere National Park

Greatest Adventures

About Nyerere

Nyerere National Park, formerly known as Selous Game Reserve, is located in southern Tanzania. It is one of the largest wildlife reserves in Africa, renowned for its diverse ecosystems and abundant wildlife, including elephants, African wild dogs, and various bird species. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers pristine wilderness for safari adventures.


  • Safari Drives
  • Boat Safaris
  • Walking Safaris
  • Bird Watching
  • Cultural Tours
  • Camping
  • Photography Safaris
  • Fly Camping
  • Fishing

Climate and Weather

Nyerere National Park (formerly Selous Game Reserve) in Tanzania experiences a typical East African climate. Here’s a brief overview.

Dry Season (May to October)

  • This season is cooler, with lower chances of rainfall. Vegetation thins out, making wildlife easier to spot around water sources.

Wet Season (November to April)

  • This period is characterized by higher temperatures and heavy rainfall. The landscape becomes lush and green, and it’s the calving season for many animals.